Tuesday, December 23, 2008

'Tis the season...

'Tis the season to be jolly, to reconnect with folks, to realize you haven't posted a blog since the summer...OOPS!

Since our wonderful story of the alarms, Hannah was diagnosed with sleep apnea, had her tonsils out and has been doing better in the DV department. We're still messing with med levels in other ways...you know, it would be shorter to send you to my Facebook notes, but chances are, if you're here, you've probably been there! If not, let me know and I'll recap then.

For now, here are a couple pictures of the growing children.

Monday, June 23, 2008

The adventure through the alarms

I have two stories to tell...both involve alarms, and I'm realizing one story has not yet been told. The primary story, at the moment, is the story of the child and the new alarm. Here it is.

In an effort to hold on to my sanity, I give you a glimpse of our adventure through the bathroom.
Hold on to your hats, if you’re brave enough to read!

I hope wish and pray that none of you will hear the words I've heard. Dysfunctional Voiding....or Voiding Dysfunction. I've heard both and seen both on the net...it's inSANE the amount of crap they can call something when all it means is your kid is unable to stay dry. that's it...that's the definition...there's some variation on the why, For our kid it's that the bladder wall is "too strong" and unwilling to relax. There are other specifics but it just doesn't matter at the moment...

Around Thanksgiving last year, the song at our house became "All I want for Christmas is a urine-free house..." Most of the time it was sung by a male adult in the house. Around mid-February it was "All I want for Easter is a urine-free house..." You get the idea.

At our most recent urologist visit, I was given a new piece of paper I had not seen before. It's a pamphlet. 8 pages total. It's a sales brochure for a company called The Bed Wetting Store. I kid you not. Daddy purchased a Father's day gift for himself. Again, I kid you not. The order was for a discreet alarm that attaches to a pair of undies. If said undies get wet, the transmitter sends a signal to the alarm - an alarm that has a volume control, but it's still an alarm.

On Thursday this week, a wonderful white box arrived with a return address of BWS. Nice and polite, yet I knew what it was and I cackled. Yes, I cackled. We have four pairs of these wonderful attachable undies, one transmitter, and one receiver that's plugged in now. What I did not expect was the reaction of the child.

Night One - In fear of the alarm, the undies were taken off, the pullup put back on, then the potty was "dispensed."

Night Two - The undies AND the pullup were taken off, and the child awoke in a lake on her bed. (EEEEEEEWWWWW)

Night Three - Only 2 pairs of undies were locatable. Upon further search, one was found on the curtain rod above the tub, and the 4th was found amongst the sheets from the previous evening. Night three is also when a new child monitor was purchased so the sleeping child does not have to come upstairs to wake her family if the alarm does not wake them - the alarm can be heard through the new monitor. When someone at the store asked about the purchase, mommy though quickly and said the child was having nightmares. Out of earshot, mommy was questioned about the lie. Mommy responded "Would you rather have them know the real reason?" After a moment of thought, the child responded, "No, I guess nightmares are a bit more appropriate." 'Nuff said.

We've had the suspicion that most of the wetting was soon after bedtime as the muscles relax. This is being confirmed by the alarm going off several times before an hour is over. The child is frequently saying "Not aGAIN" as the alarm goes off. The amount on the undies has been reducing, though, so the child seems more able to be aware and stop the flow already...possibly...prayerfully...we'll see!

Thank you for reading my book.. I hope this will give hope to those who are struggling with just plain old "will you PLEASE sit on the potty"issues for awhile...DV is not diagnosed until age 5 or 6 and is treatable, but [i]not[/i] something a lot of families deal with. We're the only family I personally know of in Anchorage, though I know there are other families that see those urologists.

On to the other alarm story. I spent some time trying to find the information I sent out to others and came up blank. I'm rather shocked! I think I'll have to look at our visa records to find when this actually happened since the mind and emails don't seem to remember!

Several months back, we realized that the children were waking each other up in the night to watch movies. One child (and it tended to vary) would wake up the other, and they would proceed to the TV room and watch until they both fell asleep again. It was creating problems at both schools, and was just plain wearing out the parents.

On Saturday, after some discussion, we went to Radio Shack and didn't tell either child what we were there for. We merely purchased the items and took them home. The items are two small alarms - one for each floor of the house. The Upstairs alarm is posted above Timothy's reach and will "DING DONG" if a child walks past when it is turned on. The Downstairs alarm is just across from Hannah's room and pointed towards the TV area. Again, if it's turned on, it goes "fweep, fweep, fweep fweep" until turned off. The third part of the "answer" was a timer attached to the TV which turns on and off,(and I forgot this part until recently. - Scott told the kids that the company turns the TV on and off - not us).

So there are our Alarming Stories. I'll try to post pictures later.

The Remains of the Dress

Hannah had a wonderful costume that was purchased for the performance in May.

It was in amongst the laundry and was accidentally put into the washer.
(Side note - we have front loaders. It couldn't have fallen in.)
A helpful person decided to move the clothing from the washer to the dryer, and in doing so wreaked havoc on the clothing and the dryer and most of my Wednesday evening.

Timothy helped me with taking the "polka-dots" out of the dryer.
We had no idea he'd look small while inside the dryer!
Moral of the story - don't just "put stuff" in the laundry room, or the small child might end up crawling in there too!

Friday, April 4, 2008

How did it get to be April?

The year is flying by. My thumb is healing...though there was a "mishap" with the pin caps and now instead of just a smiley scar on my thumb, I have an "eye" too - my hand looks like a bottle nosed dolphin if I hold it right. Picture to be added later.

Both kiddos are doing well and both Grandpas are still with us, though the roads are not easy for anyone at the moment. I've been encouraged this week to bite the bulett and start the preschool music classes more. I'm going to do some research this weekend and see what the process is. eeeee

We have tickets to go to Candice's graduation in June!!! That's the next scheduled adventure!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What a way to start a year!

My sister is now calling me Grace Jr. (Clutz Jr works too.) At the point I was about 3, my mom took my tricycle down the driveway and broke it...and her wrist if I remember right. She also walked into a rake that year...and something else happened. It was a family joke for awhile. We called her Grace.

On Saturday January 5, we went cross-country skiing. It was my technically my second time out this year but my first real loop.

On my way down the first hill, my foot went out from under me and I flipped backwards and braced myself on my left thumb. Ow. It started to hurt right away, but I tried to work through the pain and prepared for some ibuprofen later.It was still swollen on Monday morning, so I decided to call the doc. They worked me in (strange! I thought...it's probably just a sprain...) Three cool digital x-rays later I had an appointment at an orthopedic specialist...and surgery was the following afternoon. In a word YIKES!!!!I broke the bone where the ligament is. I was in a lovely splint for a day that I'll probably use after my cast is off.

I don't have a picture of the splint they had me in, but was a piece of plastic that was molded to my hand. I wore it from Monday afternoon to Tuesday afternoon.

Tuesday, I inherited this monster. I said I felt like I was carrying something out of the Flinstones and started called it Bam Bam. On January 16, a friend saw it and said "It's a hermit crab." She was right!!!

I typed with it this way.

Today, after calling the office Saturday Jan 12, Monday Jan 14 and the night of Jan 15 due to pain, tremors and muscle spasms, I "graduated" to this lovely cast with the color chosen by Miss Hannah (who was home "sick" from school and went with me.)

I can now almost type normally...

I posted this on Snapfish as my "cast" album too and my sister said "Cast of thousands..." Scott thought it was funny that I put a cast album on Snapfish.
Quite an adventure!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Making slow progress...

I got a 38 out of 40 on one paper (it was returned today) and turned the other two in. The paper for Abnormal Psych really psyched me out. I didn’t notice, until almost too late, that all my research articles needed to be peer-reviewed. Uh…none of them were. That was 3am yesterday. Then I realized,around 5pm tonight after finding 5 others, that they ALSO weren’t reviewed. I went with a book and one of the seminar articles but kept my list of long websites on the reference page. At least I turned it in. That’s half my battle sometimes...okay, most of the time!!! I got a 46 out of 50 on the first test, and this class only really has 3 items that are graded - midterm, final and paper. This is only my 3rd psych paper since returning to school, so I'm willing to accept the learning curve. :p

I'm not ready for Thanksgiving....wait, it's past.....I'm not ready for finals...they're in two weeks....I'm not ready for my birthday...that'll be in 2.5 weeks. Can we just start the year over? Guess that happens in a month, huh?

Someday I'll catch up with myself. I think I'll sleep then.

Friday, November 9, 2007

The deliberate torture...

The college I'm attending starts registration for spring classes next week. It's deliberate torture, I tell you, and here's why - I'm just now finishing the second of three tests in one class, have 3 papers due in two weeks, finals are in a month...and they want me to start thinking about next semester?!?!?! Huh????

I did survive my Anthropology test, and feel I did well. I hope to work on the two papers Friday and Sunday (with Saturday devoted to my Abnormal Psych test, maybe - that's the class that's on the web so it's easier to fall behind!)

My dad seems to be continuing an uphill swing while Scott's dad continues to swing downward. At the same time, Timothy now has 7 phone numbers memorized - more than Hannah! This was his whim, not something we even encouraged, really. If I tell someone my cell phone number, he'll point to it on his paper, or say "That's mommy's number." He's an amazing child.

Hannah is also! She's doing so much better in first grade than she was in kindergarten. I think she likes school more, right now, too, which is good.

If you have the National Geographic Channel, keep your eyes open for the "ManMade" series and their show on "The South Pole Station." One of the evil people that comes to the South Pole at the end of the program is Scott. Look for the interesting sweaters! We still don't know if it will ever be on DVD, but we've watched it twice with family and friends.